So, you've got yourself a dirt bike. Before you try landing those triples you'll need to invest in some very important equipment - namely riding gear. Body protection is a must when racing around the track and nothing could be more important than a dirt bike helmet. You likely did some research before buying your bike so you're going to want to do the same before grabbing any 'ole helmet.
You'll notice a dirt bike or motocross helmet looks different from a street bike or motorcycle helmet. A dirt bike helmet has extended chin protection designed to protect you from roost. Additionally, dirt bike helmets utilize more ventilation to keep the rider, who is exerting significantly more energy at lower speeds, cooler.
Whether you are a seasoned rider looking to replace or upgrade an existing helmet or you're just starting off - MotoSport's Dirt Bike Helmet Buying Guide is designed to take some of the heavy lifting out of finding the right helmet for you. Besides, if you're busy doing research that means you're not on your bike tearing up the track!
What Will The Helmet Be Used For? |
What Features Do You Want? |
Consider Safety Ratings |
Are you a beginner?
Is this an upgrade or replacement?
What's your budget?
Helmet weight:
Helmet construction:
Helmet Liner:
Helmet Size and Head Shape
A properly fitted motorcycle helmet can play a major role in the outcome of an accident. The first step in finding a motorcycle helmet is determining your head size. Follow these steps:
- Wrap a soft measuring tape around your head about a half inch above your eyebrows, above your ears and around the back of your head at the largest point.
- Compare your head size with the specific motorcycle helmet manufacture's size to find a match. Each motorcycle helmet manufacture provides different sizing charts for their helmets so you will need to compare your helmet size to each brand's sizing.
- Try the helmet on before using it. The helmet should sit squarely on your head with the top of the helmet's eye port just above your eyebrows. A properly fitted motorcycle helmet will fit snug at first and loosen slightly as it is broken in.
- If the helmet moves or your fingers fit easily between your head and the helmet you'll likely need a smaller size.
- Long Oval - This shape resembles a more oblong head that is longer front to back and narrow side-to-side
- Intermediate Oval - This shape closely resembles a round head with a shorter front-to-back and wider side-to-side than the Long Oval. Most companies make their helmets Intermediate Oval.
- Round Oval - This shape resembles an oblong head that is longer side-to-side rather than front-to-back like the Long Oval.
Helmet shape contributes to overall comfort and safety. A correctly-sized helmet that doesn't fit right is cumbersome and does not offer the same protection as a correctly sized and fitted helmet. It is always important to take measurements, factor in your head shape, and remember, just because your old helmet is a medium doesn't mean your new helmet will be.
*MotoSport's return policy is easy and hassle free. Click here for instructions on all returns and exchanges.
Dirt Bike Helmet Price
Price is likely one of the first things you'll consider especially if you are a beginner. Price is often reflected in the materials used and the number of features. For example, a helmet constructed of carbon fiber will typically cost more than a polycarbonate helmet. However, a more expensive helmet generally offers better protection, lighter weight, comfort and technology but that doesn't mean you can't find a quality helmet for a reasonable price. To help you find the best dirt bike helmet check out the latest releases, the most popular, and by high-end or with a more moderate price.