We asked and you answered.
This is Part 1 of a seven part series on the best places to ride dirt bikes in the continental United States. We all know the real truth - as long as you're on a dirt bike do bad places really exist? We think not. Anywhere you can ride a dirt bike is probably a great place but certainly some areas of the country take our sport and hobby to special heights.
We all have our favorites and sorry if we missed yours.
Embarking on this campaign started somewhat as a challenge but then we realized the best people to ask about the best places to ride include you! Who better than the very people riding and discovering new trails and tracks?
Of course, it's a bit daunting and cumbersome to compile the best places to ride all over the country so we've divided this effort up into seven regions:
- Pacific Northwest - Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
- California - California
- Southwest - Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado
- Midwest - North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Illinois, Wisconsin
- Texas - Texas
- Southeast - Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee
- Northeast - Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts
First up is the Pacific Northwest. Just as we expected you gave us great answers and introduced us and a whole bunch of other riders to new places to ride dirt bikes. We were not surprised however at the most common answer provided. Without further ado, here's a list in no particular order of what you think some of the best places to ride in the Pacific Northwest.
Of course! Home to an Outdoor National, Washougal is nestled in amongst a forest of trees in Washougal, WA and boasts a great layout and awesome jumps. Washougal received the most votes and since its home to a Motocross Round every year we thought we'd put this spot at the top.
2. Oregon Dunes
The sand Dunes in Southern Oregon between near Florence and Coos Bay is also the spot of our #1 Video for 2014. Dune riding provides an entirely different experience on a dirt bike and if you haven't had the chance to ride on sand make it a goal this year. While you're there check out Riley Ranch MX too.
Ward Creek Motocross is near the Washington coast between Portland, OR and Tacoma, WA. Last year they hosted the Washington State MX Championship in August. Check out their Facebook page, this track needs a visit.
Riverdale is another spot receiving multiple thumbs up. Don't be fooled, Riverdale holds drag racing events but sports three Motocross tracks open all year round. This track is also between Tacoma and Portland but further east, near Mount St. Helens.
5. Big Horn Mountains
One look at the Big Horn Mountain tells you all that's needed as to why this spot makes the list. One fan suggests the Red Grade side in Wyoming. This mountain range extends from northern Wyoming to southern Montana. The trails here prove quite popular with the dual-sport community.
6. Hells Canyon
The thing about Hells Canyon is it borders Oregon, Washington and Idaho. It's got trails, trails and more trails so bring extra gas and prepare for water, sand, rocks, logs, hill climbs and straightaways.
TNMX is a 30-year plus Portland tradition starting in April and ending in September occurring, you guessed it, every Thursday night. It was written up in Motocross Action magazine as having some of the best traction and conditions on the West Coast and the spectator viewing is like none other.
8. Central Oregon
Central Oregon is primarily high desert and flush with Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) trails. China Hat in Bend and the East Fort Rock trail system get high marks from riders thanks to the wide open trails.
9. Northeast Washington
Northeast Washington is similar to Central Oregon with hundreds of miles of Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) trails. Check out Batey Bould, Diamond City and Frater Lake.
Powder Basin is one of just a few tracks in Wyoming and has hosted races for 20 years. It's received Track of the Year honors four times by the High Plains Motocross Association.
This is not an exhaustive list by any means. Additional mentions include Rock Creek Race Track in Kimberly, ID close to the Nevada and Utah borders and northwest Washington is abundant with great trails. See what other riders posted on our Facebook page.
Riding trails on public lands exist all over the Pacific Northwest so if you're too far from the spots mentioned above and don't already have your own favorite spot ask other riders in your area. Tracks on the other hand might require a several hour car trip though as you can see in Oregon and Washington residents don't have far to go.