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Tire Mousse

We don't have any Mousse Inserts for your 1992 HONDA XR80 at the moment.


2 Results

Mr. Wolf
Mousse Balls - Rear

5 out of 5 stars (2) reviews

Tire Mousse

The new generation of dirt bike tubes replaces the standard air filled tube with a thick foam insert called a mousse. Michelin's groundbreaking Bib Mousse has been around for some time and very popular among off-roaders as the Bib Mousse cannot go flat. A tire mousse replaces the dirt bike inner tube and keeps the tire at a steady psi without air. In recent years, several companies started producing their own version of the mousse insert including the Nitro Mousse by Nuetech and a version by Artrax. These more expensive options than the traditional inner tube require a bit more diligence and patience to install, but offer flat-free protection. Read Tire Mousse: A Guide to Foam Tubes and Flat Free Tires for more information.