We were inundated with responses for the best places to ride dirt bikes in the Midwest. In fact, the Midwest could be the answer to the general question of where are the best places to ride dirt bikes.
Don't need to go any further then the heartland, at least that's what it feels like. Granted, our version of the Midwest envelopes a number of states (12!) but the feedback received including multiple picks was fantastic.
The fact is dirt bike riding is practically a national pastime for those living in the Midwest. Check out the riders who hail from the Midwest: Justin Bogle, Justin Brayton, Trey Canard, and Ryan Dungey.
As we move our way across the country looking for the best places to ride, here's a refresher on what we've covered and what's to come:
- Pacific Northwest - Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
- California - California
- Southwest - Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado
- Midwest - North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Illinois, Wisconsin
- Texas - Texas
- Southeast - Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee
- Northeast - Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts
Remember, this is not our list. This is your list of best places to ride. So, if you missed our call, let us know below and if where you live is next, let us know when we give a shout-out. As usual, it's in no particular order but we'll give top billing to the place receiving the most nominations.
Apparently Lincoln Trail Motosports in Casey, IL has everything a dirt bike rider could want. Located on 220 acres of land, this 42 year old park provides a riding school, four Motocross tracks, including a pit bike track, sand tracks, turn tracks and acres of trail riding. Yep, pretty much everything a dirt bike rider could want.
Mmmm, red dirt. Home of the Reynard Training Complex with instructor Robbie Reynard, who in 1993 at age 16 won the Steel City National and becoming the youngest winner ever of a National, Reynard Raceway in Wellston, OK features a natural terrain Motocross track that's two miles long and features an eight-mile trail riding system. You can train for Motocross or the Grand National Cross Country series here!
Sugar Maple in Hill Point, WI is new on the scene but is quickly gaining a solid reputation for challenging the veteran rider but not intimidating a newer one. It's AMA District 16 sanctioned and provides a blend of loam, clay and sand. It's got great elevation changes and incorporates much of the natural land. Oh, keep an eye out, you just might see horse drawn buggies nearby.
Wildcat Creek in Rossville, IN actually started out as a backyard track for a local family and overtime morphed into a full-fledged Motocross track that now hosts a Loretta Lynn's qualifier. It's located on 100 acres of farm land and nestled in between wooded areas which the owners take advantage of and run the track through.
5. Cross Timbers Trails
The only trail system mentioned for the Midwest, the Cross Timbers Trail, stretches from Kansas through Oklahoma and into Texas. It's out in the middle of nowhere and in Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Dirt Riders group is working on maintaining the system and providing a Motocross area. For now, it's a premier place to ride for off-roaders.
6. Sunset Ridge
Sunset Ridge in Walnut, IL was the first mention when we asked about riding in the Midwest. Sunset started 16 years ago and has a 1.6 mile long track with natural and manmade obstacles. They host a Loretta Lynn qualifier and, for the four-wheel fans, an ATV MX National in June.
7. McMotopark
No need to leave Illinois with the number of places to ride mentioned. McMotopark in Mt. Carroll, IL is the third MX park mentioned from the Prairie State. Set on 50 acres of natural terrain, McMotopark uses rider input when redesigning the course, which apparently is often. Have no fear, it's a challenge for pro riders and doesn't scare away beginners.
What Motocross track has the greatest start of all Nationals? We'll throw that out for debate but certainly Spring Creek in Millville, MN is in the conversation. You don't have to qualify for Round 8 of the 2015 Pro Motocross series to ride on this track. It's open to riders but if you haven't been to an Outdoor here, try getting there this year.
Hey, we found Pine Ridge last year and ended up sponsoring them! No surprise here then when we saw them mentioned. Pine Ridge is in Athelstane, WI which is close to the Michigan border. Check out the aerial view of this track on their website. It's cool. The track carves through nearby pine trees and the layout is ideal for beginners, pros and spectators.
10. Bar2Bar MX
We usually stop at 10 but since the Midwest covers so many states we'll keep going. Bar2Bar MX in Maize, KS features a sand and loam track and the number of events hosted here explains it all. The AMA Amateur National MX Championship Qualifier, a Kansas ATV MX series, and a Best of the Midwest MX series. Yes, it's open for practice too.
11. Possum Hollow Motocross Park
Last but not least is Possum Hollow Motocross Park in Branson, MO. The one-quarter mile length track is situated on 35 acres and Possum Hollow hosts races for the 50cc class all the way up to 450F Pro.
The Midwest certainly has its share of great Motocross tracks and if you're keeping tabs, Oklahoma and Illinois seem to be the frontrunners in where to take your dirt bike. We couldn't include all places but Oklahoma has opened the throttle as Elk City, OMC in Norman and Compound 77 in Marietta were also mentioned.