All you need is just a little patience.
Or a lot of it if you're trying to put graphics on the plastic of your dirt bike.
Often maddening, installing dirt bike graphics can bring out the rage in the most mild-mannered person. Some riders know their limits and don't even bother - they'd rather hire a professional to save their blood pressure and get it done right. But the adventurous, a full-on DIYer or those who find laying down graphics a battle you intend to win - sticking these stickers correctly can be done and with practice you'll find it's not really that hard.
The three biggest problems most find when putting graphics on plastic comes from bubbling, misalignment, or they don't stick. Unfortunately, all of the above at the same time also plays a factor. Don't expect smooth sailing on your first attempt. But, if you have previous experience working on toy models and figured out how to get those teeny tiny graphics on the jets, cars or whatever you built consider yourself a step ahead.
The side number plate panels and exhaust side represent the hardest areas to lay down graphics because if the curvature. Regardless, some riders have a gift and do it well, others fall into the "good enough" category while some just can't seem to figure it out no matter how hard they try. Whatever camp you fall in some tips on sticking graphics on to plastic should help ease the pain.
Tips to Installing Motocross Graphics
Apply in a warm environment but if you can't warm the decals with a blow dryer before application. Take your time and peel the backing off the decal just enough for the section you are starting with and apply a little bit at a time. Once you have finished, warm up the plastic and the edges of the decal with a blow dryer while rubbing down from the center out.
Dirt Bike Graphics Won't Stick
Old or new - clean the plastic really well. Brand new plastic tends to have a waxy residue that needs scrubbing off before applying graphics. Follow the instructions from the graphic manufacturer because some glue reacts differently to certain materials. Generally a contact cleaner works then let dry completely before application. Apply the graphics according to the manufacture directions.
Misaligned Dirt Bike Graphics
This is one of the biggest issues and the old saying "practice makes perfect" definitely rules here. Find a place that's comfortable with lots of room. Some riders lay graphics down on plastic already installed on the dirt bike. If you can do it this way, more power to you. However, this method proves more constricting and other bike parts could get in the way. Standing over the top of a piece of plastic resting on a table top allowing you to move uninhibited offers your best bet to reduce or eliminate misaligned graphics.
Bubbling happens. Smaller bubbles sometime flatten out over time, especially in the sun, but those larger bubbles look awful. Then you have to unpeel and try again. After applying the graphic to a piece of plastic work the bubbles or wrinkles from the inside out using your fingers. A hair dryer on low setting helps soften the material and makes it easier to massage any bubbles out.
Check out this older video for additional tips: