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ATV Tech Tips

Bad head gasket symptoms

Bad Head Gasket Symptoms

Most owners of dirt bikes or ATVs rarely encounter a bad head gasket because routine maintenance usually prevents this problem from occurring after completing a top end during normal intervals. A bad head gasket results in cars and trucks far mo...

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Preventive Care for Your Dirt Bike or ATV

An appointment with your doctor probably includes some talk on preventive care and if you own pets a good veterinarian should provide tips on how to keep your cat or dog healthy for the long term and prevent health problems later in life. For ex...

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Best 2-stroke oil for a dirt bike or ATV

Types of 2-Stroke Oil

One day long ago someone decided to pour a quart of motor oil into a tank of gasoline and voila the 2-stroke engine was born. OK, so it didn't exactly work out that way but if you ride a 2-stroke dirt bike or ATV, or operate 2-strok...

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Ask a Mechanic: Best Gas for Dirt Bikes and ATVs

You ask we answer. Here's the latest in our "Ask a Mechanic" series. Q: What kind of gas should I use in my dirt bike? I just grab the cheap 87 octane from the pump on my way to the track. That good enough? A: Great question and one we get a l...

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Tips to cleaning a dirt bike gas tank

How To Clean a Dirt Bike Gas Tank

Most riders have probably never cleaned the fuel tank on their dirt. This job doesn't normally add a check box to the routine maintenance list and can mostly be avoided by taking care when adding gas. However, competing in an off-road race tends...

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O-ring chain vs. Standard Chain

O-ring Chain vs Non O-ring

It's an age old question. One that has stymied myriad of professional riders for years serving only to befuddle the weekend warrior and the up-and-coming amateur. O-ring or no ring? Two styles of chains exist for your riding pleasure: A chain ...

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Tips to cleaning a dirt bike chain

How To Clean a Dirt Bike Chain

Cleaning the chain on your dirt bike creates a comprehensive, involved task that requires a thorough attention to detail to do correctly. You'll need a host of tools and cleaning supplies, some extra help and a lot of spare time. Many riders byp...

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Best chain lube for dirt bikes and ATVs

Best Chain Lube for Dirt Bikes and ATVs

A well lubricated chain makes for an outstanding ride day and also extends the life of the chain and sprockets. But well-lubricated means more than an adequate coating. You may have heard through backyard stories or perhaps have one yourself of ...

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Best modifications for ATVs

Top Motocross ATV Modifications

Photo by: Ken Hill Motocross isn't just for 2-wheelers. It should be no surprise that a growing movement in racing involves ATV riders. The Mtn. Dew ATV MX National Championship held its first ever ATV Supercross race at Da...

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Tips on storing your dirt bike or ATV during the winter

6 Tips for Dirt Bike and ATV Winter Storage

Riders in southern states can't fathom the idea of storing their dirt bikes or ATVs during the winter but for some where cold reigns supreme - starting just about now - packing it in and waiting for the spring thaw is often the only opt...

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