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Dirt Bike Chains


2 Results

Turner Performance Products
520 R Racing Chain

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3.5 out of 5 stars (6) reviews

Turner Performance Products
428 Racing Chain

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5 out of 5 stars (5) reviews

Dirt Bike Chain

A dirt bike chain is one of the more common parts to fail and for good reason because it does so much work. Without a dirt bike chain you have nothing to propel your ride unless you want to push! Dirt bike chains need routine maintenance like all other parts and should be cleaned after every ride and lubricated often. When taken care of properly, a dirt bike chain lasts long and keeps you riding for hours. Choose from o-ring, non o-ring (standard) and x-ring chains in 415, 420, 428, 520, 525 and 520 pitch. All dirt bike chains come with a master link.

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